Welcome to Debrecen!


Reformed Great Church

Debrecen’s symbol is one of the nation’s largest Reformed churches, a building of major historical significance. 

It was here that Lajos Kossuth read out the Declaration of Independence on April 14, 1849. The wing chair used by the Regent-President on that glorious occasion is one of the church’s most precious relics.

The main structure has been rebuilt several times. Today’s familiar Classicist form was developed after the great fire of 1802.

You can enjoy magnificent views of the city from the top of the towers, or the steel bridge behind the tympanum. If you are courageous enough to attempt the steep climb up, your added bonus will be a spectacular close-up of the 4.6-ton Rákóczi Bell.

In addition to regular services, exhibits of religious history, organ concerts, and other musical events are also on the schedule. The church was declared a National Monument in 2013.

4025 Debrecen, Kossuth tér
Tel.: +36 30 190-4409
E-mail: nagymate.nora@reformatus.hu
Web: https://www.nagytemplom.hu
