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Debrecen Street Names

The video series “Street Names of Debrecen” was created by the Local History Collection and Photo Gallery of the Péter Méliusz Juhász Library to provide information about the streets of Debrecen to residents in a short, entertaining way. The video series present people, families, church people in connection with street names that have played a decisive role in the life of the city.

Vásáry István street

In one of the latest episodes of the series, you can learn about the namesake of Vásáry István utca.

Dr. István Vásáry was the mayor of the city between 1928-35. His name is associated with investments such as the establishment of a public cemetery and a crematorium, one that was unique in the country at the time. In 1934, under his mayor-ship, the city stadium was inaugurated. It was designed by István Sajó and was the first large-scale sports field in Hungary at the time.

You can find out more about the life of István Vásáry’s and the development of the city at that time in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGrEaesCnEE .

István Vásáry

György, Fülöp, Irén street (Gerébytelep)

The next video of the video series covered the origin of the names of Gerébytelep, György, Fülöp and Irén streets.

Several streets of the settlement have first names, but one of them, György, Fülöp and Irén, located between Piroska and Sólyom streets, has been preserved since 1910. They got their names from the former owners, members of the Geréby family. Who they were, and what role they played in the socio-economic life of Debrecen, can all be found in he video in this short film of the Méliusz Library.

Pál Geréby

Vértesi utca

Vértesi Street is located on the outskirts of Debrecen to the south, in the Basahalom district, in a largely an industrial area.

It is named after the Vértessy family, who played a significant role in the city’s industrial history, and who owned the former brick factory and the local castle in the area. One of the members of the family, Lajos Vértessy, also founded the first water park in 1919.

The video of the Local History Department of the Péter Méliusz Juhász Library gives a brief overview of the history of the brick factory and the castle, but those interested can also find out what life was like on Vértessy Water Park in 1931.

The videos are available on the website of the Péter Méliusz Juhász Library
