Welcome to Debrecen!


International Nordic Walking Festival + Race

Nordic walking combines the benefits of walking or running with cross-country skiing and differs from regular walking with the use of sticks, which allow us to walk longer, so that the natural opposite movement of the hands and feet, which is essential for walking, is maintained.

This year, on the 21st and 22nd of May in Debrecen, as part of the international Nordic Walking Festival, races will be held in the fantastic setting of Debrecen’s forests and prime sites.

Optional race distances: 5 KM (S), 10 KM (M), 15 KM (L), 20 KM (XL)

About the venue. The 11 hectares of almost completely flat park is a special nature reserve, where pristine woodland with 100-120-year-old trees, protected plants and animals, and man-made attractions coexist: the Great Forest Park with the fountains of Lake Békás, Land-art sculptures, buildings of cultural and scientific centres, restaurants, open-air theatre, culture park.

We are preparing a number of accompanying programmes for the meeting. Professional presentations and discussions, partner presentations, dance, massage, and other entertainment.

For more information, subscribe to the event newsletter and be informed about the registration process. To subscribe visit the website.
