Welcome to Debrecen!


Long weekend Events Program Roundup

There is no need to give up on cultural and leisure experiences on the long weekend of October 23rd. Exciting exhibitions, refreshing concerts, refreshing wellness, and sauna programs provide meaningful relaxation throughout the city.

October 22ng-25th Thursday-Sunday
X. Mozinet Film Days
Apollo Cinema
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/247837476650834


October 22nd-27th. Thursday-Tuesday
The Godfather Trilogy
Apollo Cinema
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/945917929251192

Friday, October 23rd 10:00
Forest Week
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/260501052051123


Friday, October 23rd 13:30
Aquafitness in the adventure pool
14:00 Harvest fun! – Aqua Manó Party
Aquaticum Mediterranean Adventure Bath
Details: https://spa.aquaticum.hu/hu/programok

Aquaticum Spa

Friday, October 23rd 19:00
Android East of Eden + Pink Floyd covers
Nagyerdei Water Tower
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/625766474787388

Saturday, October 24th 20:00
Mörk concert
Nagyerdei Water Tower
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/650079602356397


Friday, October 23rd 17:00, 18:00, 18:40, 19:20 Sauna
Aquaticum Thermal Sauna World
Details: https://spa.aquaticum.hu/en/saunaprogramok

Saturday, October 24th 11:00, 13:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 Sauna
Aquaticum Thermal Sauna World
Details: https://spa.aquaticum.hu/en/saunaprogramok

Sunday, October 25th 10:00
Montage – Scribbles
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/374614766995401/

Sunday, October 25th 11:00, 13:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 Sauna
Aquaticum Thermal Sauna World
Details: https://spa.aquaticum.hu/hu/zaunaprogramok

Monday, October 26th 17:00, 18:00, 18:40, 19:20 Sauna
Aquaticum Thermal Sauna World
Details: https://spa.aquaticum.hu/en/saunaprogramok

aquaticum sauna

October 23rd-25th Friday-Sunday 10: 30-17: 00
Educational experiments
Agóra Scientific Experience Center
Details: https://www.agoradebrecen.hu/agora-programok/ismeretterjeszto-eloadasok-kiserleti


Saturday, October 24th 11:00
World Gibbon Day
11:00 Festive display with environmental enrichment
11:15 Analysis of the family life of gibbons, or who were Marci and Kopé’s parents?
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1603638756474427

Saturday, October 24th
13:30 Aquafitness in the adventure pool
14:00 Harvest fun! – Aqua Manó Party
Aquaticum Mediterranean Adventure Bath
Details: https://spa.aquaticum.hu/hu/programok

Saturday, October 24th 15:00
Small carnival parties from St. Michael’s Day to St. Martin’s Day: Dance Vigil, Dynamo-Danish
Folk Art portraits and performances, dance with the Debrecen Folk Ensemble.
Performers: Tárkány Works, Bürkös Orchestra
Dósa nádor tér
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/339685933907915

Sunday, October 25th 14:00
Crises in the past, crises in the present – thematic family day
Déri Museum
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/425478481758023

Sunday, October 25th 12:30
Special autumn walk
Diószegi Sámuel Botanical Garden
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/369737617543950

Sunday, October 25th 9:30
Ours is here!
Vojtina Puppet Theater
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/317863279516530



Introductory exhibition of the pottery department of the Primary School of the Debrecen Reformed College
Debrecen Reformed Great Church
Details: https://www.nagytemplom.hu

The Unknown Imre Kertész – Student years 1934-1955 – photo exhibition
Nagyerdei Water Tower
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/790191528447085

“Stories from a family album” – exhibition of the life of 20th century Hungarian Jews
Pásti Street Synagogue
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/328252145069489

Along the Line The collection exhibition of the MODEM Center for Modern and Contemporary Art MODEM
Details: http://www.modemart.hu/kiallitas/vonal-menten

For Debrecen – Debrecenart
Jubilee exhibition of the
Door Association of Graphic Artists MODEM and Kölcsey Center Árpád Bényi Hall
Details: http://www.modemart.hu/kiallitas/debrecenert-debrecenart

Figures, or puppets and puppets
Vojtina Puppet Theater
Details: http://www.vojtinababszinhaz.hu/hir.php?id=678

Bringing Religious Symbolism to life
Greek Catholic Metropolitan Headquarters
Details: https://visitdebrecen.com/en/hot-now/eletre-kelt-ikonok

Flower Exhibition of Debrecen artists from their works made at the Debrecen Flower Carnival
Sesztina Gallery
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/754676551763984
