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Carriage ride in the Wooded Plains

Far away from the noise of the city, yet almost at arm’s length from Debrecen, lies the picturesque Erdőspuszták (Wooded Plains), where numerous recreational opportunities await lovers of close-to-nature experiences. In the pleasant forest environment, romantic rides in carriages pulled by two or four horses, adventurous horse-carriage rides around the former Lake Mézeshegyi or nostalgic horse-drawn sleigh rides in winter through the white-clad forest are unforgettable experiences for couples, families with small children, groups of friends or even student groups.

More information and inquiry: +36 20 2999 444, info@erdospuszta-clubhotel.huhttps://erdospuszta-clubhotel.hu/elmenypark/lovaglas-es-pusztakocsikazas
