Welcome to Debrecen!


Programs of the fourth Advent weekend

Christmas is just a few days away. While you’re shopping for Christmas presents, it’s worth getting lost in the festive hustle and bustle and slowing down with a steaming mulled wine in hand to really get into the festive spirit. Here’s what’s happening in Debrecen on the last days before Christmas.


Advent Cottage
Opening hours: 10:00-21:00
14:00-18:00 DEMKI – handicraft activities, music shows

Christmas Market
14:00-18:00 János Vágó “Mr Piano”
15:00-17:00 DuoTrio Street Theater
17:00-18:00 Fairytale characters at the market

Kossuth Square
15:00-15:20 DuoTrio Street Theater
15:30-15:45 Piruett Dance Studio
16:00-16:25 Joint show of a choir and János Vágó “Mr Piano”
17:00-17:15 Lituus Brass Quintet
17:15-17:35 Choir

Dósa nádor Square
14:00-15:00 János Vágó “Mr. Piano”
15:45-16:00 Dance Universe Dance Sports Association
16:35-17:00 Joint show of a choir and János Vágó “Mr Piano”
17:25-17:40 Lituus Brass Quintet
17:45-18:15 Choir

Ice rink
20:30-22:00 Christmas ice disco


Reformed Small Church
16:00 Fourth Advent candle lighting

Advent Cottage
Opening hours: 10:00-19:00
14:00-18:00 DEMKI – handicraft activities, music shows

Christmas Market
14:00-18:00 János Vágó “Mr. Piano”
15:00-17:00 DuoTrio Street Theater
17:00-18:00 Fairytale characters at the market

Kossuth Square
15:00-15:30 DuoTrio Street Theater
15:30-16.00 Agyagbanda Band
16.35-16:50 Happy-Time Dance Association
17:00-17:40 Animus Bell Ringing Ensemble
17:50-18:00 LESZ DANCE Dance and Sports Association
18:30-18:50 Christmas show of Klaudia Kuczmog and Marcell Horváth

Dósa nádor Square
16:00-16:30 Agyagbanda Band
16:30-17:00 DuoTrio Street Theater
