Welcome to Debrecen!


Let Debrecen, Hungary be Your Home Escape Travel Destination in June

As we all exit COVID-19 lockdown, understandably we all want to escape the confines of our homes, the question is how to do this responsibly.  In addition, now that we are used to the quiet, and slower pace, it is perhaps wise not to take on too much, too soon. 

Debrecen historical events
Escape from Home to Debrecen

The noise and pollution of a big city would likely be too much to handle for most.  Consider, social distancing is still mandatory, which is difficult in a big city, but far more manageable in a smaller city like Debrecen, and there is plenty for you to do with your family.

Taking a short break to a new city is always interesting and exciting, that is if it is well planned and you are anticipating it beforehand. 

Here at Visit Debrecen, we are here to help.  Check out our newly updated guide for 2020.

This guide is designed to assist with the planning of your home getaway, – a short trip to Debrecen, to ensure you make the most of your visit, even if you do leave it to the last minute. 

There are plenty of things to do in Debrecen, with lots of amenities, but crucially it is quiet and full of pleasant green spaces besides.  The city lies adjacent to the protected ‘Great forest’ and so if an environment of relaxation appeals to you, with thermal baths, wellness, and recreation to the backdrop of fabulous ancient trees and the music of bird song, then Debrecen is the ideal destination. 

In addition to the evergreen activities, the summer event calendar is springing back to life with key festivals reconfirming their 2020 plans, all be it, significantly altered to previous years to take into account social distancing.  This includes the annual Flower Festival, taking place after 4th June.

Of particular note, this season is the opening of the new water park in June, named “Aquaticum Debrecen Strand” located directly adjacent to the University, Football stadium, and Zoo.

Yes, the Zoo and Amusement Park are also back up and running, an ideal destination for the Children, a short walk to the new water park to recover afterward.

Debrecen welcomes you in June 2020.
