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Rose Festival 2022

This weekend, on the 11th and 12th of June, between the Zoo and the amusement park, the Queen of Flowers will once again take centre stage at the Rose Festival for the 3rd year running. Learn about the varieties of roses available in Hungary, admire and buy from a selection of more than 30 varieties of roses, mostly bush and tea roses, available at the exhibition.

The rose can be found both in nature, and in the urban environment, such as in our gardens – either planted or in a pots – but also in our homes as cut flowers, bouquets, or as a single rose in a graceful vase. Originally, the word “rose” was designated as a color, but throughout history, the meaning has changed; it has been used for women, femininity, kindness, youth, and happiness.

Roses belong to the Rosaceae family, foliage, or semi-permanent green, loose branch, dwarf, ground-covering, shrub, or creeping shrubs. They are usually grown and planted for their interesting decorative flowers, which there are of many different shades, and in the case of certain species, for their crops. The vast majority of the species thrive best in nutrient-rich, compact soil and sunny locations. The countless variety of species can be grouped in several ways, now instead of a detailed description, we honor the queen of flowers with a quote from Peter Müller:”Bud and withering is only the fate of the rose, but when it blooms in all its glory, and its scent radiates far away, Rose for real then!

Why not visit the festival on the weekend!
