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Festival for Roses

Roses (Rosa) are a genus of woody perennials within the family Rosaceae as well as the flowers they bear. Originally from Asia and Europe, they are now popular and widely cultivated all around the world, with a wide range of uses; they have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects as an herb, their flowers can be made into drinks, ice cream and marmalades, and their essential oil can help combat respiratory illnesses, malaise and anxiety.

These gorgeous and versatile plants do deserve a whole weekend of celebration, so our second ever annual Rose Festival will take place on June 12 and 13, featuring our ever-growing collection of roses as well as exhibits by two horticulture stores opposite the Funhouse and at the Safari Train.

If you feel like taking a peaceful moment from the funs and thrills of this year’s first Wristband Weekend, our Rose Festival exhibits may be just the thing for you with no extra charges.
